Thursday, February 26, 2015


Lovely Friend,

   Today has been a fabulous day!  I have been a total boss at my meals and I have progress to report!  Woohoo, who doesn't love some progress?!  Especially with a lifestyle change.  I have almost completed the eighth week of my detox lifestyle change and I am so excited that there has been some progress! 

   Unfortunately, I have not been able to weigh lately, because my scale has been broken.  I know there are probably some jokes being said, or at least crossing your mind, BUT I didn't break it!  It ended up getting a shower that it didn't appreciate (thanks, Camille) and hasn't worked since.  Because I am really not a fan of Walmart, I haven't made it in to get a new one, which means I only weigh at the gym now.  We have had some crazy winter weather and I haven't made it to the gym lately so I really am unsure of my current weight (but I do expect progress next time I go!)

   So no weight loss to report, but I am happy to say that my clothes are getting too big! Woohoo!
 [Insert Internet High Five]  Yep, my clothes are getting too big and it's in my waist.  This morning I pulled a pair of jeans out of the dryer and slipped them on.  I noticed that even out of the dryer they were a little loose, and was excited.  Typically, freshly dried pants are a little on the snug side and I may even have to lay on the bed to maneuver the button closed (You may have even tried this too!); so for them to be freshly dried and a little loose, I was ecstatic!  As I went through the day, I kept having to pull my pants up or they would have literally hit my ankles.  With all my lose pants excitement, I decided to measure my waist!

   Usually measuring my waist is not an event that I look forward to, because it is a reminder of the distance from my goal.  However, with my newly loosened pants, I was excited to have a measure of my progress.  I lined the tape measure across my waist just right and mentally crossed my fingers for progress.  Then, there it was, the measure!  I had lost a whole inch from my waist!  To some, an inch my seem minor; but when you decide to take the slow road, the one that will actually bring a PERMANENT change, you celebrate every step!

   One of the biggest lessons that I have gleaned from this weight loss journey is that it is okay to celebrate even the tiniest step.  Too often, if my weight loss has been a small portion of a much larger goal, then I have not felt that it was worth celebrating.  When I have heard stories of weight loss, there has always been a huge amount of weight lost in a short amount of time, and this is just not my story.  My story will be one of perseverance with many lessons learned along the way.  My story will be one that takes years to reach a goal, rather than months.  My story will be one that is never-ending.  So with this never-ending journey, I will proudly celebrate EACH step!

Giving it my all,

How I Started My pH Balanced Diet


Lovely Friend,

   I am about to let you know how I began my pH balanced diet and I want to start off with some reassurance.  I am going to be sharing with you a wonderful program that I used to begin this new way of life and while I currently still supplement with some products from the program, this is not what I follow daily.  I used this program as a catalyst for my healthy eating plan because it detoxed my body and got rid of toxic cravings.  Now, that you know that this was my beginning point, I want to reassure you that I am in no way receiving any financial compensation for sharing these products with you.  I am a preferred customer and I purchase them, just like you would!  I also want to reassure you that this product recommendation is in no way a plug for a friend; although I have come to know the consultant quite well, and she's pretty great!  Those that know me well would vouch for me and say that I tend to have very strong opinions about products and absolutely will not recommend something unless it is good!  Now that you have your assurances that I am truly sharing this product just because I love it, here it is!

   To begin my weight loss journey, I did the Arbonne Detox Diet Boot Camp.  Now, I do need to back up to give you a little history about my beginning this camp.  My very first time to try it was the summer of 2013 and I absolutely loved it then!  However, the school grind began in August and I really didn't give it a second thought.  Honestly, it was still "a diet" to me, although it worked well.  Fast forward to January when I had my yearly lady check up (yep, it got that personal!).   My doctor was asking general questions about my PCOS (which I've had since high school!) and I shared with her about this diet that I had done back in the summer that, for the first time ever, had gotten me regulated.  This doctor is a big believer in "food is medicine", which is not the norm, so she was excited.  We discussed the details further and I revealed that I wasn't on this diet any more.  She looked at me shocked and asked why I would choose to change when I found something that was healing my body.  [Insert Blank Stare] followed by embarrassment.  I was embarrassed that I had made such an unwise decision and chose to continue harming my body.  This was a big eye opener for me and really what made me begin to understand what food really was.  Although I was gaining understanding, it took me another year to move.

  So here I am now, a year later, with a true understanding of how food affects my body both positively and negatively.  I understand what toxins are and how to avoid them.  I understand what combinations of food to eat so that my body can stay oxygenated.  I understand why Japanese people live so long! (Okay, maybe this wasn't part of the boot camp, but their diets are very balanced!)  I know that I would not have any of this knowledge if I hadn't gone through the boot camp.  The camp is a way of eating that does have restrictions, but it is so much more than that!  Every day you are learning about food, toxins, and your body.  You are presented with research by various different doctors on how to teach you how to a pH balanced life. You are also in a support group where you can ask questions, get suggestions, and MOST OF ALL, receive encouragement!  The support and the learning combined with the eating plan is what makes this boot camp such a success.  I have tried all the diets out there, and THIS is the one that starts you on a different path! 

  I am sure that you are wondering what this diet is really like and how it works.  These would be my exact thoughts about the program!  The program is a month long program that you participate in via a Facebook group.  The group has only the participants that are currently going through the program as well as the coach.  (Let me add a side note about the coach here, Cara is fabulous!  I have never met someone that could think of so many nice things to say and encourage me so much!  One week, I gained weight and she was still encouraging me and problem solving to help me get back on track!  She is amazing!)  While you are in the group, you will see daily posts with research about toxins, eating a balanced diet, and how your food affects your body.  You will also have a place to ask questions, connect with other boot campers, and get advise about food or recipes. These are the basics of the group part of the program, but I know you are so interested in the FOOD part! (and honestly, I would be too!)

   Without further adieu, the food.  Each week you will be supplied with both a vegan and regular meal plan complete with recipes and shopping lists.  You are not required to eat every meal that is on the plan, but they were designed to get you started.  Some people choose to follow it exactly as it is written, while others mix and match the meals around (and even in sub in their own!).  The meal plan can be rearranged and edited as long as it follows the guidelines, but the guidelines cannot be changed.  The guidelines are why this works (along with eating the right food combinations).  So the dietary restrictions are as follows:

Don't Eat
  • Soy
  • Dairy
  • Caffeine
  • Corn
  • Sugar, Honey, Maple Syrup
  • Artificial Sweeteners
  • Pork
  • Gluten
  • Farm Raised Fish
  • All Beef, Except Grass Fed
  • Nitrates
  • MSG
  • Vinegar
  • All Fruit, Except Limes, Lemons, Green Apples, and Berries
  • Non-Cage Free Eggs
  • Peanuts and Peanut Butter
  • Coffee
  • Alcohol
  • Non-Free Range Chicken
  • Alcohol
For the boot camp, the list is very restrictive to get your body to dump as many toxins as possible and also to teach you about the best food for your body.  I still follow this list even out of the boot camp phase, because almost everything here is toxic.  Post-boot camp there are a few things that I have added back occasionally: Pure Maple Syrup, Raw Unfiltered Honey, All Fruits, Fresh Organic Corn in Season and Balsamic Vinegar (occasionally for salad dressing).

Do Eat
  • Almond, Flax, or Coconut Milk
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Brown Rice
  • Almond Butter
  • Legumes
  • Olive, Coconut, Flaxseed or Grapeseed Oil
  • Wild Caught Cold Water Fish
  • Cage Free Eggs
  • Free Range Chicken and Turkey
  • Raw Almonds
  • Green Apples, Berries, Lemons, and Limes
  • Coconut Sugar, Stevia, Xylitol
  • Green and Herb Teas
  • Avocados
  • Grass Fed Beef
  • Non-starchy Vegetables
The above list is what I still try to include in my diet on a regular basis.  These foods make me feel good and are great for making great family dinners, lunches, breakfasts, and snacks.

  I have given you the basis of the food dos and don'ts so that you can see that you could do this without the use of Arbonne products.  The above two lists are basically just the quick and dirty view of how to eat.  I am going to walk you through the Arbonne products below that I used during the boot camp, so that you will know  how it fits into the equation.

Arbonne Products for Boot Camp:
  • Arbonne Protein Shake- This is what I used 2x daily to cut calories and majorly oxygenate my body!  I put 2 scoops of powder plus 2 big handfuls of organic spinach, a little fruit, almond or coconut milk and blend them up. They really do taste good and I switch back and forth between chocolate and vanilla, depending on my mood. Currently, I still drink 1 shake a day to get that good spinach punch (because this girl cannot eat handfuls of raw spinach!)

  • Fiber Boost- I mix it into my shakes for some added fiber during the camp and after.  My hubby even steals it and mixes it into whatever he is drinking too!  It doesn't taste at all or stay gritty!

  • Detox Tea- This tea is one huge key for getting your body to an alkaline environment!  I drank these during the boot camp and have continued to drink them because they are so good for you!  I have learned to drink this as my post-dinner "dessert".  The tea really prevents me from eating when I am already full, but fills the desire of "I want something after dinner".

  • Digestion Plus- This little supplement is not one that you think tastes amazing, well, because it doesn't.  I honestly put mine in a shot glass and mix with water and down it goes.  Although the taste is less than desirable, the benefits are great!  Your gut will be glad you didn't listen to your mouth!  I used this in the boot camp and have continued to use it daily to keep my gut in check.

  • 7 Day Body Cleanse- This is the real gut buster!  This supplement digs deep and eliminates all kinds of junk so that your body can really have a fresh start.  You mix it with water and drink it just during one particular week of the program.  A plus, this tastes way better than the Digestion Plus! This is a supplement that I just used during the boot camp and may add once or twice a year. 

  • Fizzies- These are my absolute favorite product and pomegranate is my flavor!  My daughter loves them just much as me, too.  These are my go to when I need my water to taste like something other than itself.  Because I have eliminated many beverage choices, these add some variety to my routine and are super-easy to slip in my purse when out and about! I really used these in boot camp and still continue to use them!

  • Fit Chews- These were my sweet tooth life saver!  I had huge sugar withdrawals during the boot camp and these little bites kept me from caving.  I used them a ton during boot camp and will have one occasionally now.  The boot camp really kicked my sugar cravings so I don't need these as much now, as I did when I first started. 

   Although I am not currently doing the boot camp from beginning to end, I do still follow the plan that was laid out, because I understand it.  As stated above, I've been through more than once with the same info, and the weight loss is not what made me a believer, the health improvements are.  They helped me get and really want to comprehend the research.  The health improvements are what have kept me tied to this new way of living! 

  Friend, as you begin your new adventure into a pH balanced lifestyle, I would encourage you to consider the Arbonne boot camp as a starting place to begin.  I have not regretted my decision to try it out (although I was HIGHLY skeptical).  I am taking the very slow road to weight loss,  and I feel better than I have in a long time- both physically and mentally!  I am confident that my daughter will not have battles with food, like I did, because she is being fed properly.  I am convinced that each a pH balanced diet is the best choice to compliment the way that our bodies were designed!

Giving it my all,

 Click here if you want information about the Arbonne Detox Boot Camp.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

10 Clean Eating Lunches That Are pH Balanced

Lovely Friend,

   I am so encouraged that you have been reading my blog and have become inspired with my journey.  This has been my goal.  I have shared before that my original plan was to wait to write this blog until my beach body was ready; but the truth is that it is easier to understand the journey when you walk it.  So join me as I walk, slowly, but surely!
   I have been chatting with a couple of you about where I started and what I am doing on this journey.  And that will certainly be my next blog post, but for today I want to share with you 10 lunches that I have eaten recently.  It may seem a little out of order that I would share this before I share my starting point, but if you are like me, if something works you wanted to start yesterday.  Wanting to start right away is one thing, but absorbing and sorting the information that often comes when beginning a new lifestyle is another.  For this very reason, I am giving you a quick, no-think starting point before I start delivering the ins and outs of what I have done.

   For all of these recipes I have chosen to use organic ingredients, not because they have more vitamins and minerals, but because they do not have the toxic pesticides and other chemicals on them.  I have also looked at the labels very carefully to ensure that no extra ingredients like sugar or oils are present.  I created these lunches using the pH chart (that I found on "Air, Water, Life") as a guide to help me balance acidic and alkaline ingredients and I am including the pH of each ingredient in parenthesis.  My goal is to make sure that each lunch has more alkaline ingredients than acidic to keep my body oxygenated and healthy. 

10 Clean Eating Lunches That Are pH Balanced:
1. 2 Slices of Cooked Turkey Bacon (5.5), 1 Handful of Raw Almonds (8.0), 1/2 of a Raw Green Apple (8.0), and 1 Large Raw Carrot (8.5)

2. 2 Scrambled Eggs (6.5) Topped with a Handful of  Sautéed Spinach (6.5) and a Sprinkle of Sea Salt (7.5), 1 Cup of Fresh Pineapple (9.0), and 1/2 of a Small Sliced Raw Cucumber (9.0)

3. 1 Cup of Cooked Black-Eyed Peas (6.0) with 1/2 of a Cooked Jalapeño Pepper (8.0) and a Sprinkle of Sea Salt (7.5), 1 Cup of Cooked Broccoli (7.5) with a Squeeze of Fresh Lemon Juice (10.0) and a Sprinkle of Sea Salt (7.5), and 1 Cup of Fresh Sliced Peaches (8.0).

4. 1 Small Cooked Sweet Potato (9.0) with Sprinkle of Sea Salt (7.5), Salad- 1 Cup of Spring Mix Lettuce (8.5) and 1/2 of a Small Sliced Tomato (8.0) Topped with 1 Tbsp of Olive Oil (8.0) and 1 Tbsp of Lemon Juice (10.0), and 1 Cup of Fresh Grapes (8.5).

5. 4 Ounces of Sliced Turkey from the Deli (5.5), 1 Cup of Raw Broccoli (9.5), and 1 Cup of Mixed Berries (7.5).

6. 1 Cup of Quinoa (7.5) Mixed with the Zest and Juice of 1/4 Lemon (10.0) 1/2 Tsp Raw Finely Chopped Garlic (8.5) and 1 Tbsp Fresh Parsley (9.0), 1 Cup Sautéed Yellow Squash (7.5), and1/2 of a Small Sliced Raw Cucumber (9.0) with Dressing- 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice (10.0), 1 Tbsp Grainy Mustard (5.5), and 1 Tbsp Olive Oil (8.0).

7. 4 Ounces of Grilled Chicken (5.5) Seasoned with 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice (10.0) and Black Pepper (6.0), 1 Cup of Wild Rice (8.0), and 1 Cup of Cooked Green Beans (8.5).

8. 2 Cups of Raw Spinach (10.0) Topped with 4 Ounces of Grilled Chicken (5.5) Seasoned with Asian Marinade- 1 Tbsp Raw Honey (7.0), 1/2 Tsp Raw Crated Garlic(8.5), and 1/2 Tsp Raw Grated Ginger(8.5), and a Dash of Cayenne Pepper (8.5), Also Topped with a Handful of Fresh Sliced Strawberries (7.5), and Salad Dressing- 1 Tsp Sesame Oil (5.5), 1 Tsp Sesame Seeds (8.0), 2 Tbsp Rice Vinegar (6.5), and 1 Tbsp Raw Honey (7.0).

9. 2 Cups of Chopped Romaine Lettuce (8.5) Topped with Guacamole- 1 Avocado (8.0), Juice of 1/2 of a Lemo) (10.0), 2 Tbsp Fresh Cilantro (9.0), 1/2 Jalapeno Pepper (8.0) 1 Clove of Fresh Garlic (8.5) and a Pinch of Sea Salt (7.5), and 1 Cup of Fresh Blueberries (7.5).

10. 4 Ounces of Sauteed Shrimp (6.0) Seasoned with 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice (10.0) and 1 Tbsp Fresh Chopped Parsley (9.0), 1 Cup of Brown Rice (7.0) Seasoned with 1 Tbsp Lemon Juice (10.0) and 1 Tbsp Chopped Fresh Cilantro (9.0), and 1 Cup of Multi-Color Sliced Fresh Bell Peppers (8.0).
I hope that you enjoy these lunches and that they give you a head start on beginning a pH balanced life!

Giving it my all,

**Disclaimer- I have tried to design lunches that are pH balanced based on the material that I have provided, but I do not claim to be a doctor, chemist, or any other form of scientist.  This blog is for informational purposes only and not intended to treat, diagnose, or prevent any diseases.  Please consult your physician with any medical questions.

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Secret to Losing Weight When You're Not at Home

Lovely Friends,

  It seems that I am quite full of secrets lately, and, it's true, I am. Being in tune with my food choices has really helped me uncover many secrets in the food world.  Some of these little secrets have been plainly in front of me for some time now, but I overlooked them.  For so long, I have tried every fad, because I have read the miraculous success stories and I just knew that I would be the next to pose with my own.  I would be the girl that had lost 125 pounds in six months and was flaunting my newly found, perfectly tanned beach body in front of millions of infomercial viewers.  Wrong, wrong, very wrong!  This new way of life is not a fad and I am not going to lose 125 in 6 months!  This new way is hard and tough, but produces long term results; and the secrets that I am uncovering are long-term as well.

  At this point, I have more or less gotten my habits in check within my home.  I purchase what I can eat and don't what I cant.  I have a routine for my eating and it works well for my daily grind.  However, one of my hang-ups happens to be when I leave the house. 

  Leaving the house means that I am leaving my routine and my control behind.  I have been able to master the restaurant routine pretty well and I will be sharing my tips for this later.  What I don't have in check is visiting another house.  It could be a friend or a family member, but a visit to dinner at another house still derails me!  When I am out of my house, temptations are present and I have no control over the menu.  It is burdensome for me because I want to do the right thing for my health and I don't want to hurt my friend's feelings. 

   The dilemma in my head usually goes like this.  "This food looks delicious and smells even better! I know my friend must have worked so hard on it and she will be proud to hear how great it tastes!  Darn, it's not detox friendly, but I have to eat something.  I certainly don't want to hurt my friend's feelings!  Ugh, what am I supposed to do?"

  Now that dilemma is one that I enter quite often and I hate feeling that way.  I know how important my health is, but thinking that I may hurt someone's feelings really makes me feel awful!  So what have I decided to do about it? Well, this is where the secret comes in.  I have decided to...prepare!

  Preparation has been my new found secret to losing weight even though I am out with friends.  The most important thing about being out with friends is that I am spending time with them and not have a battle in my head about what to eat.  So when I visit friend's or family's houses in the future I will follow this plan:

1. Bring my own meal from home. If I know the meal isn't clean, or I am unsure, I will follow this idea. I will either grab something from my clean, frozen arsenal in the garage or make myself a quick and clean dinner to eat.

2. Let my friends know that I have food sensitivities.  Doing this will let them know that I would love to eat their food but cant because of how it affects my body.  It will also help me to not feel guilty because I have explained myself.  In addition, it will keep them from wondering why I have chosen not to eat their family recipe lasagna.

3. Offer to bring a clean side.  If I know that part of the meal may be clean, such as the main dish, then I will bring something else that I can eat.  This will allow me to contribute to the meal and stay on track.

4. Bring plenty of fizzies.  At times, visiting friends or family, I can get bored and start snacking.  It's not that the conversation isn't good, but more that this is a horrible habit when I'm out.  I am the girl that grazes all night!  If I have a large glass of water with a fizzie in it, then I am less likely to graze for flavor.  I will simply sip and chat and stay on track.

  I am so excited to continually learn secrets and tips that I can use to stay the course and lead a happy, healthy life!

Giving it my all,

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Best Natural Appetite Suppressant (And It's Practically Free!)

Lovely Friend,

  As I journey to better health (and I do mean journey, complete with ups and downs!), I am continually analyzing my behaviors and emotions towards food so that I will know how to beat them! I want to be the best me possible and  learning to eat clean has brought many challenges.  One of the biggest challenges for me is preparation.

  Preparation requires lots of planning followed by lots of action to bring the plan together.  I constantly have to stay one step ahead of myself so that I wont get caught red handed (remember that earlier post?).  With preparation, many convenience foods have been removed from our grocery list, so I am always on the look out for something clean and EASY!  Can I get an amen?!  This ph balanced diet is hard work, but so worth it! 

  I must admit I have discovered something that is easy, natural (like really from nature!), and almost free!  I know you must be wondering what this big secret is.  Seriously, if I have discovered something so great, then why isn't it flooding our Facebook newsfeed like all the other weight loss products?  Good question!  Well, for starters, I think that God-made products often get overlooked and the Dr. Oz's of the world have become the experts on what is healthy for our bodies.  Another reason that this great suppressant gets overlooked is because it is old school.  In this American day and age, we are fad chasers!  We want the quick and dirty (meaning totally toxic) version and we are interested in looks being the end result.  The last reason that I think this  substance gets overlooked is because it requires some consistency throughout the day.  It is so much easier for us to pop a "magic weight loss pill" and go on with our day.  So, what is this grand suppressant that I have discovered??  It's...water!  Yep, good ole H2O!

  I know you must have two thoughts.  First, "Seriously, water?  I read three paragraphs for water?"  Yes, yes you did.  And the second thought is probably, "You have just now discovered water, lady?  It has been around since the beginning of time!"  Well, I have actually not "just" discovered water, but I have become more attuned to the appetite suppressing quality of this amazing substance.  So, before you stiff arm me, hear me out.

  Water being used as an appetite suppressant has three great benefits.  First, if I consume a glass or two of water with my meal (or even before it), I eat less.  Thus this is the appetite suppressing quality of this wonderful liquid.  Another way that I have used water to suppress my appetite is by drinking it throughout the day.  When I think that I might be hungry between meals, I drink a glass of water (often with a pomegranate fizzie) to make sure that I am not thirsty.  It turns out most of the time that I actually am just thirsty and the water fills my stomach, reminding me that I am not really hungry. I have had to learn to recognize the difference between being hungry and thirsty.  For so long, I considered every feeling as hunger so I turned off my tuner and drowned myself in food.  I am now rebelling against that former behavior and listening to my body communicate its needs.  The final benefit of using water as an appetite suppressant is that it is an alkaline substance.  According to the ph chart created by Air, Water, Life, tap water sits right at a ph of 7 which is neutral.  You can add some fresh lemon slices or a drop of lemon essential oil to move it to the alkaline category.  Since the goal of this diet is to create a more alkaline environment internally, water proves to be a great substance to use as an appetite suppressant.

  I will say, that even with all the benefits of using water for suppressing appetites, you will have to train yourself to use it.  I have always been a water drinker, so that was one habit that I did not have to add.  However, I have not always consumed as much water during the day as I currently do.  Right now, my goal is to consume 64 ounces of water daily. I plan to slowly work my body up to drinking a gallon of water a day.  So, I encourage you to try out water as an appetite suppressant.  You might find that you totally love it!

Giving it my all,

This treasure right here is my favorite water cup!  I snagged it at our zoo and I use it all the time to indulge in water with fresh lemon slices and a pomegranate fizzie.  This favorite cup of mine is 32 ounces, so I can finish half of my water with just one fill.  I encourage you to find a favorite cup!  It makes water drinking that much more exciting!

A Woman Has the Right to Choose

Lovely Friend,

   Today I am beginning my eighth week of this health journey, and, a journey it has been!  I have learned so much about myself, my habits, and my dependence on food.  I have learned about the cravings that are easily broken and the ones that I will have to continue to choose to combat.  I have learned that this thing called "a diet" is really "my diet."  It is not to be viewed as some event that happens over a course of time, but rather a step onto another path. 
   This other path requires preparation.  This other path requires discipline.  This other path requires patience.  This other path requires a different focus.  And, above all, this other path requires choice.

  Choice, is an action that I have come to know well.  It is an action that I did not use correctly for far too long.  It is an action that will cause me to leave the old path and walk the new.   And this action called "choice", is more than an action, it is right!  A right to healthy life!  A right to a happy life!  A right to a disease free life!  A right to feel great!  A right to be the best that I can be!

  I have always viewed "a diet" as a singular event, but no more.  I am no longer on "a diet" but this is "my diet".  And "my diet" will require me to understand that EVERY choice counts! 

Giving it my all,

Friday, February 20, 2015

Caught Red Handed

Lovely Friend,

   I am not sure how your bad decisions usually go, but mine typically fit into one of two categories.  The first, I completely KNOW that I making a bad choice and do it anyway.  Usually there is some benefit to the bad choice and, in the moment, that benefit outweighs the consequences.  Now, the second, is much more innocent.  This bad choice is a choice that I thought was a good choice!  It usually reveals itself in retrospect and brings with it a shock.  I am not here to judge or debate about the bad choices that I have chosen to make or not.   Rather, I want to give some insight into my typical experiences with bad choices, because last night caught me off guard!

  I have been on this journey to health for about 7 weeks now and I have learned so much about my bad habits and how to combat them. But last night, whew, I wasn't ready for it!  I wasn't even considering it!  So, what was my choice?  What did I do?  Last night... I "ate" some cheese! 
   If at first glance, it doesn't seem so bad, let me explain.  Those quotation marks around "ate" are definitely not there by accident!  No, they are very intentional.  The reason that I have placed them there is because "ate" is really not the correct word for what happened last night.  Truthfully, "inhaled" is probably a much more accurate depiction of the incident that occurred.

  It was about 9:30 P.M. and I was beginning my family's nightly routine.  We had picked up the toys, given the kisses and hugs, turned off Netflix and the T.V., turned on the downstairs lamps, prepared the diffuser, plugged in the electronics for charging, then crawled into bed.  I was tired.  I was exhausted.  I just wanted...S...L...E...E...P!  Just about the time that I felt settled, I remembered that I hadn't let the sinks and showers drip.  "Uggghhh" was my first thought.  "Stupid cold weather!" was the thought that followed.  At that point, I was tired and frustrated and just wanted to be in bed asleep; but,  I rolled out of my warm bed to complete this necessary task.  And, of course, since I was getting up, Camille wanted to get up, the dog wanted out again, and my sweet little routine now had a kink.

  This kink, during my moment of weakness, is what derailed me!  I had visited the downstairs bathroom and completed the cold weather precautions, then headed to the kitchen.  My shadow was following me and the dog wanted out.  I let the dog out, turned the knob to the kitchen sink until it just dripped, then heard the dog scratch to be let back in.  I let the dog in and was reaching for the kitchen light switch when I heard, "Mommy, I want a snack."  Remembering that my daughter hadn't completed her dinner and realizing that I forgot to reheat it when we got back from the gym, I grabbed a cheese stick for her...and TWO for me!

  Two cheese sticks, yes, two!  And the kicker is that I wasn't even hungry!  I grabbed both packages, unwrapped them and bit into them.  Now, this is where eating changes into inhaling.  I bit into the cheese, slightly chewed it, and practically swallowed each bite whole.  By the time that I had swallowed the first bite, I was reaching for the second!  I devoured those cheese sticks in about a minute flat and I really didn't even want them!  As I trashed the wrappers and I turned out the kitchen light, I questioned, "What just happened?  Why did you do that?"

  I headed upstairs to finish my water dripping task in the upstairs bath and tried to dig deep to analyze "why?"  I realized several things.  First, I was tired which made me irritable and likely to make a poor choice.  Second, I was pulled out of my comfortable routine to complete a minor task that I had forgotten to do.  This task, though minor, caused stress, and through stress I reached for food.

  Equating food with peace is something that the Holy Spirit previously revealed to me about myself, but last night, I wasn't prepared for this struggle.  I have slowly started implementing several techniques to deal with stress (which will be a great post for another day!) but last night, I caught myself red handed.  The thing about it is, it's okay!  Yes, I messed up.  Yes, I slipped. Yes, I was disappointed in myself, but it is going to be okay! 

  So where do I go from here?  What is my plan?  My plan is to get right back on the path to ph balanced eating and call this a mistake that is behind me! This is a journey, after all!

Giving it my all,

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Diet That FINALLY Makes Sense!

Lovely Friend,

   Like I have stated in previous posts that I have struggled with weight for a VERY long time!  I hit a chubby stage as a kid from 3rd-7th grade and then evened out in high school.  During college, the "freshman fifteen" turned into the "freshman thirty" and the weight kept piling on from there.  By the time that I was married, 4 years later, I had gained 90 pounds total since graduating high school.  My schedule had become my own and unfortunately fast food had settled its way into my life comfortably. 
  After being married for several years, my husband and I decided to have a child.  We struggled with this for 2 years before I finally conceived our precious daughter!  Six months before conceiving, I had decided to pursue weight loss once again and lost a healthy 30 pounds over the course of five months through moderation of food intake and meeting weekly with a personal trainer.  I was able to keep this weight off for those six months, my entire pregnancy, and several months post birth (total about 1.5 years).  During the course of my weight loss, this was the only time where I consistently lost weight and kept it off for any amount of time!
  Over the ten years that I have  been overweight, I have tried many things: diet pills, food journals, journal apps, low carb, vegan (very short amount of time!), just eating no processed food, Dr. Oz diets, and a slew of many other fads and "tricks".  Nothing ever seemed to be the "perfect fit" for me to maintain or really make me feel that great.  I always really questioned "What WAS actually healthy for me?" and "How would I know?"  There is so much research to comb through and try to analyze.  There are some health professionals that are more into medicine than food for healing and so it was hard to be sure. 
  Okay, so you know that I have tried everything and I really don't WANT to be overweight (this is another blog post), so what works?  What FINALLY makes sense? A ph balanced body is what finally makes sense!  One summer I tried a detox program hosted by my friend, Cara, who uses Arbonne to teach others about health.  Am I saying that you have to use Arbonne products to complete this diet? Not at all, but I will post a blog about some of my favorite products!  What I am saying is that a diet that balances your internal ph is the diet that finally works!  This diet will not only help you lose weight but can cure ailments that you got used to living with!  Oh, I did not realize that I could FEEL this great until I began this diet!
  So, what really is a ph balanced diet?  Well, I am NO expert but the basis of it is that you are trying to get your body to an alkaline environment that is oxygenated.  When your body is properly oxygenated, then it can release toxic fat (great for weight loss!).  In addition to releasing this dangerous fat, some of the ways that your body is "acting out" will be cured, because you are no longer irritating your body.
  Okay, so how do you have a ph balanced diet?  Well, the simplest way to put it is that you try to eat foods that will alkanize your body.  You would also avoid certain categories of foods altogether because they are toxic to your body. 
Here is a list of the categories to be avoided:
*Artificial Sweetener

   I am also posting this chart from* to model alkaline and acidic foods.  This chart has helped me to understand what food to eat and how it will be helping or hurting my body.  I try to eat food mostly on the alkaline side, but if I choose an acidic food, I compliment it with an alkaline food.  I have never had anything make so much sense to me as understanding what I am doing to my body with food! 
   So for my diet, I avoid the following foods above, eat organic as much as possible, and try to choose alkaline foods as much as I can.  I am definitely still a long way from my goal, but taking it a day and decision at a time!

Giving it my all,
* is a company that creates water ionizers.  I referenced them simply because they have created this wonderful graphic that models food so beautifully.  I personally have not researched ionizers.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Joshua and the American Way (2/4/15)

Lovely Friend,

I have been on my weight loss journey for about 1 ½ months now and I have lost a total of about 9 pounds in that amount of time.  That averages to about 1 ½ pounds per week.  I am definitely on the…S…L…O…W road to weight loss, which is EXACTLY where I NEED to be!  I have heard the phrase, “God, I want you to teach me patience, and I want you to teach me, right now!”  Oh, how this pertains to my attitude about weight loss!  In my head I was, “God, I want to lose weight, and I want to lose it, right now!”  But the thing about “right now” is that no habits change.  There is no leaning on God.  There is no dealing with those deeply rooted emotions that are tied to food.  So, I am taking the hard way, the slow way.  I am rebelling against the American way and leaning into Joshua!

Last week, as I was driving (The Holy Spirit knows he can grab a few quiet minutes with me in the car!), the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit about a scripture in Joshua.  This was a scripture that I knew all too well.  It is one that I dare admit that I even overlooked and had gotten to familiar with.  The phrase that the Spirit of the Lord deposited into me was “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)  At that moment, this phrase took on a new meaning to me!  This phrase became my health cry! “ As for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord [in our health and eating habits].”  This revelation was HUGE for me!

As a Christian, I am supposed to stand out in everything that I do, not in a judgmental way, but rather, in a way that screams “She MUST know Jesus!”  So far, my eating habits have been so far from the way that the Lord would have me live!  But, the beauty about the revelation was that it did not make me feel guilty or horrible about myself.  My friends, this is not the way that our Savior works!  It was more like an “ah-ha” moment for me.  It was like “God, wow!  You have designed our bodies and you have designed the food that would make them function well.  You created the food that would prevent diseases and suffering from them.  You are awesome, my God!”  I love the way that my Savior so tenderly redirects my path so that He can save me (often from myself.)
Giving it my all,

The Road Less Traveled and Lessons That I Have Learned Along the Way (1/16/14)

Lovely Friend,

   “The road less traveled.”  If there ever was a clique, this would be one!  I have heard this phrase many times about life decisions, but this is the first time that I have applied it to food.  By nature I am very analytical, and I often try to learn about my own behaviors through analysis.  I know that I sound like a psychologist there, but I am far from one. In fact, I am type A personality on the dot, with a little ADHD mixed in.  Ok, focus, so road less traveled with food.  As I was digging deep into myself trying to understand my battles with weight and what specific habits needed changing, I realized that I was taking the same route as many other Americans.  I was busy.  I was tired.  I was emotional. I wanted quick.

   Being busy, tired, emotional, and quick often led me to fast food as a family fav.  In the last post, I mentioned my Wendy’s #1 that had become so dear to my heart.  Seriously, this meal, in particular, had become my daily craving and most of the time I gave in.  I was serving my family crappy food and I knew it!  Thus, the emotions came.  I felt guilty, but pacified this feeling with the false happiness that came when consuming my cheeseburger and fries.  Monitoring this behavior gave me some insight into myself and taught me a few things, so in “Type A” bullet format, I have posted the lessons below.


Lessons that I have learned:

1. I equated food (especially junk food) with peace.  I ate when I wanted to relax and I ate when I was stressed.

2. Hunger is the enemy!  The two times that I have cheated, I have been extremely hungry and grabbed whatever I could.

3. Meal planning is your friend!  When I choose to meal  plan, I have my ammo for the week and I am less likely to sway!

4.  Keep snacks in your purse.  The truth is that crazy things happen in life, and you cannot always do what you planned.  I personally have begun carrying water in a reusable bottle and some packaged almonds or unsweetened dried fruit for times when I may not have clean food handy.

Giving it my all,

Two Weeks and Two Pounds (1/15/14)

Lovely Friend,

   I am two weeks in to my detox journey and I am still plugging strong!  Does this mean that I haven’t cheated, actually no, BUT it does mean that the cheats did not totally derail me!  Normal, I am a one cheat and done kind of girl, but as I explained in my previous post, I am taking this change thing hardcore.  Week 2 of my detox is always the hardest for me, and this proved to be no different.  My two cheats have been totally devouring a Wendy’s #1 (no tomatoes and no onion), which killed my stomach, and eating some mushroom soup covered porkchops and scalloped potatoes at my mom’s house.  I am so proud of myself for picking right back up at the next meal and starting again clean.

  Something else about this detox thus far is that I have only lost about two pounds!  I know what you must be thinking, “Why are you still doing the diet, then?”  or “Are you kidding me, all that work for only two pounds?”  The old me would totally agree with you and would have called you up and invited you to Shakey’s!  But this new me, this girl that I am still learning how to become; this girl knows that one pound of healthy weight loss a week is totally worth it!  This girl, she knows that the way that her body feels is superior and that the food is working from the inside out.  She is no longer obsessed with numbers, but rather with the quality of nutrition that she is providing to her starving body!

  I am glad that I have started this detox journey and I am so motivated to have the opportunity to teach my daughter about food in the way that it should be taught! She will learn how to really cook.  She will learn what nutrients are available in what foods.  She will learn how to make the temple that God has given her the best that it can be for Him.  And hopefully, one day she will thank her Momma!

Giving it my all,

Rock Bottom (12/17/14)

Lovely Friend,

  As I begin this diary of sorts, I am logging my thoughts on my weight loss journey.  You see, I actually haven’t lost any weight yet, but I have come to a breaking point. 

  You would think that after being in a size 22 and spending nearly $300 on a new wardrobe that I would have gotten myself in check, but the truth is, the clothes made me feel good.  I liked my new wardrobe because I no longer felt frumpy.  My clothes actually fit!  And I would stand in front my half-mirror in the bathroom and lie to myself about my expanding size.  I know it sounds crazy, but I would tell myself, “You’re not that big.”  I would be shocked to see myself in pictures or in a full length mirror.  My mind always told myself that I was smaller than I actually was.  Because of this lie, the size did not trigger my breaking point.

  You might even think that the extravagant number of almost 280 on the scale, especially compared to some BMI charts, would trigger some panic in me.  Nope, not even a bit.  I told myself that even when I was healthy and thin at 160lbs that the weight charts had me in an overweight category.  I had ridden off those charts as no good, and stored my massive weight in the back of my mind.

  “Your blood pressure is high.”  Those simple words from a dental hygienist about to assist the dentist with a filling struck more terror in me than ever before.  Although, I have been overweight for about 7 years, I never really had health problems from it.  I have hypothyroidism, which I have had since ninth grade (at a very normal weight I might add!) and PCOS, which was discovered during my high school days, so I never considered those health problems associated with my weight.  I always thought that I would have them, regardless of my weight.  Because I have PCOS, I take medicine that is often prescribed to diabetics, so a Type II Diabetes diagnosis has not occurred because I am already remedying the situation.  I now believe that even with PCOS, I am probably in this category.  Now, let’s get back to the high blood pressure.  I have always been proud that even with such a high weight that I have always had a perfect 120/80!  But twice at the dentist within 1 week, I had blood pressure that was 150/90, not good!  This, my friends, was enough to scare me.  I don’t mean scare me for a moment and then go back to old ways. I mean serious, hard-core change.

  Thus, my weight loss journey has begun.  I certainly do NOT expect that this will be easy and I know that I will make mistakes, but doesn’t that define a journey after all.

Giving it my all,

Update: I have been to the doctor at this point and my blood pressure was back in the normal range.  He thinks that my nerves triggered the high number but I am on this weight loss journey never-the-less!

Why should I?

Lovely Friend,

   I began this blog almost 2 months ago and just wrote the posts on Word.  I created it to document my weight loss journey and I really didn't want to post it until I was able to post some jaw-dropping before and afters.  But the truth is, it's a journey and I am sure that there are others that are having the same struggles as me! 
   I am certain that I am not the only one that has had these struggles, these thoughts, these defeats, and these wins.  This blog makes me vulnerable because it exposes a battle that I have had for so long.  It exposes not only a physical battle but a spiritual battle that I have had and lost for many, many years.  However, the good news is that I have done some digging and some soul searching and exposed the lies for what they are.  I have discovered the truth behind my defeat and I am armoring up to battle once and for all! 
   As I post to this blog, you will see the days that I am winning full force and the days that I need some extra grace.  You may see me take one step forward and two steps back, but progress is progress.  A year from now, I want to be able to look back and see how far I have come!  I pray that this blog inspires you to face your battles, especially as they pertain to your health, because you are worth it!

Giving it my all,